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Hard and Soft Success Criteria

How do I use it?
  • Timeliness Drop-dead date
  • Cost Revenue
  • Scope Quality Usability Manufacturability Scalability Functionality


Empathy Your stakeholders need to feel that you see and feel the world from their point of view.

Reliability Stakeholders usually need to feel that you will do whatever you say you will.

Fault- Small errors, even typing mistooks can upset some stakeholders. freeness Don't forget that they are relying on you pretty heavily.

Honesty Very valuable to stakeholders. They can feel comfortable about the process and don't feel that they have to keep watching their backs.

Fun Most people like to have a laugh whilst they are working. It adds to the sense of achievement.

Aesthetics Many stakeholders like to be pleased by the appearance of things in projects. For example, clear colour progress charts tend to go down better than cluttered, untidy, black and white charts.

Political Few, if any, stakeholders enjoy being 'dropped in it'. Say your sensitivity PRIERS: Positions, Responsibilities, self Importance, Empires, Reporting lines and Status.